(White I)
Oil on Canvas
I have no idea what dimensions this one has and I won't bother measuring it <3
Now painting white as practice is fun, as I have already mentioned multiple times and as I tell literally anyone who cares to listen. Compared to snow, which is normally outside, white objects inside a room often have even more colors to display, since there are so many ambient colors and lights flying around the place. This obviously makes the white object even less white. I painted this one (along side a few others) during a two week long intensive painting course I took at school.
For those interested: You can clearly see in this particular example, that light and shadows are in complementary hues, which I have found to be true for most references. I can't provide a scientific explanation for this, nor am I sure this is even a rule, but you (probably) have eyes. You can (again, probably) see it yourself.