Growing Landscapes (Snow III)

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Publiziert am 12.01.2024

Growing Landscapes

(Snow III)


Aquarelle on paper

This is the third and thus last part of the Snow Landscapes. I'll have to figure something out for the remaining works of this series-in-a-series, since I no longer have access to the freakishly good scanner at the Zurich University of the Arts (though my badge still works until the end of February, unfortunately for me though, I am currently about 8 hours away from that place. Actually, in I'm fortunate to be 8 hours away, not because I don't want to scan my paintings with 1200dpi, but rather because I quite like where I am now, which is at a friends house in northern Italy. Brushing up on my Italian and consuming indecent amounts of Italian hot chocolate, which is very different from Swiss hot chocolate. Now back to the painting at hand, "parenthèse fermante", as my former French teacher would say)

So now the city is flourishing! In my fantasy-star-wars-adjacent-fun-landscape, our city has an exclusively positive carbon footprint and effect on local flora and fauna. Sadly the small cabin as well as the penguin buildings have left the scene now. I imagine they are in a better place.

Concerning the technical aspects of this not-so-small-anymore painting, I would like to point out that I quite enjoy how I was able to really enhance a bit of the watercolor-effect in the shadows and the snow in the foreground. And for those enjoying a bit more color than blue and brown, you might want to check out the super slight orange-rose hues shimmering on the right sides of some of the buildings, implying the light of a rising sun out of the painting's borders. Do not assume that I know or checked if the sun rises from that side of the landscape, this is just artistic liberty.

I quite like where this series is going right now, so you'll be able to enjoy it for at least 6 more posts on this website. But I do have some other works lined up, as well as a few new projects I'm starting to work on in the next few weeks :D